Sunday, 27 June 2010

Summer at Yew Court

Summer has finally arrived again at Yew Court. It has been a long hard winter this year with lots of snow that stayed around for weeks on end. Summer has been a long time getting here, but I can now state that it has definately arrived at last with the last few days being very hot and humid. (Too hot in fact!).

There have been lots of birds around as usual, singing their pretty songs, building nests and having babies. We had blue tits nesting in the nesting box this year, they were flying around like mad collecting food for their hungry demanding babies.

Typically we missed the baby blue tits leaving the nest. We were so disapointed but as luck would have it, a few days later we spotted a baby blue tit in the garden. We felt sorry for him as he was a little lost baby blue tit and he looked so sad. But the story had a happy ending because he eventually found his mummy and they flew away together.

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