Tuesday, 29 March 2011

Blue Jays and Computer Problems at Yew Court

Last week was about new baby and new career at Yew Court. This week it has been all about shopping for baby strollers and baby clothes for the new addition to the family.

It has also been about computer problems too. The other day I was busy working on my computer and drinking a cup of tea at the same time. This combination can be fatal. I lost concentration for one second and the next thing I knew I had knocked the cup of tea over my keyboard and killed my computer!

I did my best to mop up the tea and dry out my computer but to no avail. Luckily enough I have my computer insured and sent it off to be repaired. If I hadn't had my computer insured I would have had to find a local computer repairs company, which would have been a nuisance. You just don't realise how much we rely on our computers. I was lost without mine. But thankfully my computer was soon repaired and as good as new again in new time!

On a happier note, we have been seeing lots of Blue Jays in the garden this year. We have seen them around other years but this year they seem to come into our garden more and stay for longer. I think they must have a nest near by as we have also spotted baby blue jays too. Richard says he sees lots of baby blue jays flying around in the mornings. They seem to gather around the same time each day and then fly off.

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